Purchasing policy
BAC will select suppliers who offer goods and services that are of the highest quality and offer a full range of support at a competitive price and optimal service. New business will be awarded only after a complete supplier evaluation.
We employ this policy to ensure the best use of suppliers' time and availability of the appropriate purchasing personnel.
Policy against modern slavery
We are committed to ethical business practices in all of its commercial dealings and relationships. Consistent with that commitment, BAC has a zero-tolerance approach toward all forms of modern slavery in its operations and in its supply chain. To read our policy, visit our sustainability website.
Business conduct and gift giving
We at BAC appreciate and value the continued support of our business suppliers throughout the year. Relationships with our suppliers must be based on quality and dependability of goods and services purchased, fair pricing and prompt delivery, and a commitment to conduct business in an ethical manner. Sometimes suppliers want to express their goodwill by offering gifts to our employees. We want to remind you that BAC's policies do not permit our employees to accept gifts, entertainment or gratuities in any form, from suppliers, for themselves or their families.